Light The Spark was set up by Sam Newman after 30 years in
senior sales, marketing and product development roles for
highly branded, blue-chip companies - most recently Hiscox UK.
She has a track record of helping businesses
sell more stuff to more people in a range of industries.
You can see her LinkedIn profile here.
Sam enjoys sparking creativity in others through engaging with
you and your team and asking thought-provoking questions.
Through the process of creating a clear action plan, with
deliverables, owners and timescales, she creates enthusiasm to
get stuff done in a way that has immediate impact for your business.
You want to "sell more stuff" - but aren't sure how to go about it.
We can help you answer key questions, such as:
If you'd like help with questions like these and action planning, let's talk about how we can light a spark and get you moving in the right direction.